Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Book Themed Baby Shower

Another perfect theme for Susie was a Book Themed Baby Shower! Susie is an avid reader and the only mom I have known to register for books on her baby registry. This was one of my all time favorite events!
The invitations were so much fun to create!
She got pinned with this book inspired creation.
Each centerpiece brought a book to life!
Where the Wild Things Are is one of my favorites!
The Giving Tree went so well with their Maternity Photos done by my husband Jose Loera.
Guests were asked to bring books to enter a raffle & help start Noah's Library!

Find more photos of Susie's Maternity Session here on Jose's Blog

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing information about baby shower. My friend is planning a kid’s get together in summer vacations at one of budgeted Seattle venues next month. She is looking for kid's fun games and also thinking of making different colored cupcakes for them.
